Answered Prayers

Dear prayer team,

Thanks for your prayers!

I asked you to pray for productive language and culture learning and warm and restful nights free of allergy symptoms while in the village.

That very same night after posting the last update, I started sleeping much better. I also felt towards the end of the two weeks that I was making some progress.

I asked you to also pray that God would fill me with his patience and grace as I deal with the constant stressors of missionary life.

While the stressors have continued and even increased, God is helping me through the encouragement and guidance of some friends and colleagues, both near and far. I am learning a lot about how to adjust my expectations and avoid getting into stressful situations to begin with.

I asked you to pray for my home church Mountain Creek, as my pastor broke her foot right at the start of a major leadership transition.

Though Pastor Vanessa has a long and difficult recovery ahead, just this last Sunday she was able to start preaching again.

I also asked you to pray for a productive week of language learning with Edmin. Early in the week Edmin got really sick, so we weren’t able to spend many hours focused on language learning. But what time we did have was very helpful, and for that, I am grateful. I am also grateful for all of you that responded to my Facebook post requesting prayer for Edmin. He is already mostly recovered, much faster than I could have expected.

For these reasons, and for God’s wonderful provision in so many ways through so many people, I think of what Paul wrote to the Church: “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 NLT).

My present prayer requests:

  • Continued grace and peace in the face of stressors and delays.
  • For me and my colleague Othmar as we get ready for the coming Bible dedications. For planning, finding and training volunteers, logistics, preparation of the digital media…
  • That I would be diligent in my communications with all of you- my ministry team! It’s time for me to write a new newsletter, and I also have about 60 thank-you cards to write- hopefully before August 10th. I want to get better at maintaining long-distance relationships, always showing an attitude of gratitude.
  • For a language tutor

Also, I feel the need to recognize the loss of two long-time friends and mentors this past month: Tim Ooyman and Dallas Cross. They played such a huge role in making me who I am today. Their deaths were both unexpected. 
Finally, while I never had the chance to get to know him well, I am also saddened by the sudden loss of my step-uncle George Thompson. 
Please pray for their spouses and families. 

I can’t say enough how grateful I am for all of you!

God bless,


1 thought on “Answered Prayers”

  1. Alex–
    Pulling for you, and praying for you. May God grant that your work bears abundant fruit in the the lives of Peruvian students of the Gospel, and in your life, too.

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