Hello friends and family,
Merry Christmas! It’s incredible to think that this is already the first Sunday of Advent.
On this day (and considering that we just celebrated Thanksgiving!) I am greatful for many things:
- This wonderful opportunity to study, and all of you, that make it possible
- Awesome housemates
- Friends that disciple and encourage me
- The chance to exercise a bit these past few days on my bicycle with my roommate. Indeed, exercise is such an asset to healthy energy levels and to study ability!
Most at of all, I am greatful for the wise counsel I am receiving, which is helping me to streamline my study time, increasing both my momentum and output! I have gotten a remarkable amount of studying done this weekend.
There is still much left to do though.
- For Hebrew, please pray for me as I prepare for my last two quizzes (Monday and Wednesday at 11:40), workbook completion (Wednesday as well), and my final, which will be the following week.
- For Morphosyntax II, that I would find plenty of time to study for the final, and find the resources I need to finish my paper and presentation. Also, for the time to do an opptional extra credit paper.
- For Field Methods, that I would have an amazingly productive last week.
These are my top prayer requests. On my own, it seems like an impossible task. But I know that with God, all is possible!
Thanks again, take care, and God bless,