Hello family and friends!
Here are some answered prayers from my most recent prayer blog entry:
- I’ve been able to get more rest these past few days.
- I had a wonderful Christmas- even better than I had hoped for.
- I’m caught up on my Wycliffe training responsibilities.
- I have had a wonderful time working at Target this winter. Since my last day of work was on Tuesday, I am glad to be able to focus on developing partnerships and preparing for Peru.
All in all, I posted 24 prayer request updates and sent four newsletters in 2016.
Here are some big answers to prayer:
- My truck is still running great! It may seem small, but personal transportation is key to the work I am doing now.
- For my very last assignment for my degree, I needed to retreat to a place of solitude to focus. I had no idea where to go, but lifted the situation up to God along with my partners. God powerfully answered our prayers by providing a beautiful Whidbey Island home for my use, to focus and write in silence and solitude, and for no charge!
- I finished my Master’s degree in Linguistics! This was a huge two year undertaking, only possible by God working through all of you. You prayed for me, you supported me financially, and you encouraged me through the difficult times. Thank you!
- God provided for my needs to go to Peru for three weeks! He provided both financially and in prayer. God also provided a wonderful director from our sister organization SIL to accompany me, Ed Beach. Ed’s presence was of incalculable worth. This trip allowed me to meet various teams and leaders, enabling everyone to make a confident decision about the precise nature of my assignment.
- God has also provided all my needs to participate in the Wycliffe new member training at the Wycliffe Headquarters in Orlando, Florida!
All glory to God for such a wonderful year! And now I would like to ask, what are your prayer requests for 2017? Please write me and let me know!
God bless,